The Team
Bundled services for our clients
Our clients always come to us with new ideas and requirements - that spurs us on. We have put together our team to offer high competence and best success rates in the acquisition of intellectual property rights, their defence and enforcement as well as all legal issues related to intellectual property. The team of patent attorneys, attorneys at law, engineers and technical staff shows enthusiasm for your idea and understanding for your framework conditions. We are large enough to handle complex proceedings and are clearly structured so that we can be trusted as your personal contact.
Christoph K. Engel
If the results of my work are of use, every effort has been worthwhile.

Patent attorney (DE)
Graduate engineer
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
Representative before the Unified Patent Court
Born and raised in Suhl (Thuringia), I have my roots here, so after my training I returned to this beautiful city together with my wife and like living here. My two children also grew up here and in the meantime moved out into the world to study..
I laid the engineering foundations for my work at the Technical University of Ilmenau, during my studies of automation engineering and technical cybernetics with special emphasis on process measurement technology, sensor technology and laser measurement technology. I was able to write my diploma thesis at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Berlin) on the subject of high-temperature strain sensors. Afterwards I started my training as a patent attorney at the German Patent Attorney Association and worked in a supra-local patent attorney firm in Munich/Landshut. After the corresponding examinations I was admitted to practice as a German Patent Attorney and as a European Patent Attorney. Later I qualified as a mediator in the field of intellectual property rights.
I would be pleased to advise you on all questions concerning industrial property rights. I regularly act for clients before the following authorities and courts:
- DPMA - German Patent and Trade Mark Office
- EPO - European Patent Office
- EUIPO - Office of the European Union for Intellectual Property
- WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
- Regional courts and higher regional courts (participation in infringement disputes)
- BPatG - Federal Patent Court
- BGH - Federal Court of Justice (in proceedings under Sec. 3 II No. 3 PatAnwO)
In addition to my work as a lawyer, I also hold seminars and lectures at irregular intervals in cooperation with the Technical University of Ilmenau, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce South Thuringia, the Get-Up Initiative and other educational institutions. Since 2010, I have been a juror for the Thuringia Founders Award. I am also one of the founding members of the local Lions Club.
- Chamber of Patent Attorneys
- EPI - Institute of Professional Representatives before the EPO
- FICPI - Federation Internationale Conseils En Propriete Industrielle
- GRUR - German Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright
- German Federal Association of Patent Attorneys
- Lions Club Suhl - Zella-Mehlis
Susann Reinhardt

Lawyer (DE)
Specialist attorney for industrial property rights
I completed my law studies, which I successfully passed with the 1st state examination in 2003, at the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena. After completing my legal internship in the district of Erfurt, I successfully passed my 2nd state examination in December 2005. In the following year, I took the postgraduate course "Corporate and Commercial Law" at the Institute for German, European and International Commercial Law at the University of Bielefeld. One focus was on intellectual property from a national and international perspective.
Since the end of 2006, I have been working for PATENTSCHUTZengel, first as an assessor and since April 2008 as a registered attorney. In October 2014 I was awarded the title "Fachanwältin für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz" by the bar association of Thuringia.
In addition to the protection of industrial property rights, in particular trademark and design law, I am also happy to advise you on questions of competition and copyright law. In this respect, I will support you in extrajudicial disputes concerning industrial property rights, assist you in proceedings before the trademark offices and, if necessary, represent you in court in infringement proceedings concerning trademark, design, patent, copyright and competition law. A further focus of my work is the drafting and review of contracts in all areas of intellectual property and copyright law.
In addition to my work as a lawyer, I also hold seminars and lectures in cooperation with the Technical University of Ilmenau.
Dr.-Ing. Marco Rittermann

Patent attorney (DE)
Graduate engineer
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
I was able to acquire my engineering fundamentals during my studies of electrical engineering at the Technical University of Ilmenau. I first gained practical professional experience during my eight years as a research assistant at the Institute for Media Technology at the Technical University of Ilmenau.
I have been working for PATENTSCHUTZengel since 2005 and initially completed an apprenticeship in the field of intellectual property with an eight-month training period at the German Patent and Trademark Office and the Federal Patent Court in Munich. Since receiving my admission as a German Patent Attorney and as a European Patent Attorney in 2009 and 2010, I have been attending to our clients' technical property rights in Germany and abroad in particular. Accordingly, I am specialized in the filing of patent applications and in the support of patent applications in examination proceedings, but also in the defense of my own patents and attacks against patents of third parties. The inventions to be filed for patents are in various fields of technology, so that in my technically varied work I am always dealing with new solutions from the fields of electrical engineering, information technology, mechanical and apparatus engineering, process engineering, but also from interdisciplinary and novel fields.
- Chamber of Patent Attorneys
- epi - Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
Manuela Gürnth

Lawyer (DE)
After graduating from the Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium in Eisenach in 2007, I first completed a voluntary social year at the Finneck Foundation in Rastenberg. I then began studying law at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and completed this in 2014 with the first state examination. After completing my legal clerkship at the district court of Mühlhausen, I successfully passed my second state examination in November 2015.
Since January 2016 I have been working for PATENTSCHUTZengel in the field of intellectual property protection, first as an assessor and since 2017 as a licensed attorney. One focus of my work is in the field of trademark and design law. In particular, I advise and represent clients in extrajudicial and judicial disputes in this area. In addition, I am responsible for the drafting of contracts, the preparation of applications for protective rights as well as for answering and commenting on notices of the patent and trademark offices during the application procedure of a protective right..
Silvia Engel

After my training as a technical draftswoman, I studied mechanical engineering at the engineering school in Schwerin. Afterwards I worked in the construction department of the Warnow shipyard Warnemünde until 1990. Afterwards I changed to a mechanical engineering company in Lübeck to face the then new challenges of computer-aided design. The newly acquired knowledge proved its worth when I moved to Bavaria with my husband, where I carried out various design activities in different companies.
When we moved back to Suhl in 1996, I supported my husband in building up the firm. The bigger and more independent our two children became, the more I was able to contribute professionally. Today, I am responsible for bookkeeping, domestic and foreign payment processing, payroll accounting, correspondence with social insurance companies and all related activities.
Juliane Büttner

Master of Science
At the Technical University of Ilmenau, I obtained both the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering. During my studies I was able to acquire a broad spectrum of engineering fundamentals in medical technology, but also in technical mechanics and electrical engineering.
I started working as a patent engineer at PATENTSCHUTZengel in September 2015. My responsibilities in the firm include drafting patent applications, commenting on and responding to notices of the patent offices, handling intellectual property rights issues and patent searches.
Daniela Matz
I started my training as a paralegal at PATENTSCHUTZengel in 2005 and completed it successfully after 3 years. At the same time I graduated as a legal assistant. I have been supporting our office team in the administrative area for more than 15 years now. Primary, I am responsible for the foreign IP property rights. In addition, I have been committed to the Quality Management System since 2013.
Jana Frank

certified legal administrator
After completing my training as a paralegal in 1996, I worked in various law firms in order to gain in-depth knowledge in several fields of law. Building on this, I began an extra-occupational further training to become a certified legal specialist, which I successfully completed with a final examination before the Nuremberg Bar Association.
In the summer of 2015 I started working for PATENTSCHUTZengel. In the administrative area I am mainly dealing with trademarks and all tasks related to the renewal of intellectual property rights.