PATENTSCHUTZengel  strives not only to do excellent work but also to meet the social responsibility of a modern company. This includes, among other things, the creation of flexible work opportunities for employees so that personal life and work do not compete with each other but can be successful together. We also support local, regional and international social projects.

We enjoy living and working in Thuringia and would like to do the same for others.

Thuringia is colorful - not just in autumn. We want it to stay that way and are therefore committed to cosmopolitanism, tolerance and cultural diversity. An isolated country would be gray (like the GDR back then) and certainly not as livable. Every day we communicate with colleagues and clients in many countries around the world and we are always happy when we receive visitors from faraway countries. This is something that we need to preserve and that is why we do not want the impression to arise that our state is dominated by people who want to exclude others or deny them help just because they come from other countries.

Okahandja Children’s Home (Namibia)

We are actively supporting the Lions Club Suhl - Zella-Mehlis in the construction of a new building for children from the poorest backgrounds in the townships of Okahandja (Namibia). With donations from numerous supporters, a house was built in which more than 50 children between the ages of 3 and 6 are prepared for school. Without this preparation, these children would not be able to start school (despite compulsory schooling) because they lack the necessary basic skills. You can find a lot of information and reports here     


We are among the first members of the network GESUND ARBEITEN IN THÜRINGEN (GAIT). The aim of the initiative of BARMER and DGAUM is to establish a network of Thuringian companies that are committed to the health of their employees. The network serves the mutual exchange of experiences, for example in the development of a company health management system. We would be pleased if numerous other companies would participate in this network and would be happy to help you get in touch with them.

Press release.  

Please also read the report which appeared in the local press on 14.02.2019 about our law firm.


dry lands project - Sri Lanka

As we communicate daily with people from all over the world through our work, we also want to make a small contribution to improving living and educational conditions in poorer regions. As a small company, it is important to us that our donations go directly to those who need our support. Therefore we are pleased to have found people in the Dry Lands Project e.V. who have been building and running a children's home for girls in Sri Lanka with great commitment for many years. The main goal is not only to provide the girls who are admitted with a safe shelter but also to give them the chance of a self-determined and happy future through permanent education and care.


The team around the initiator of the project, Mr. Frank Lieneke, also includes Ms. Dipl.-Komm.-Psych. (FH) Julia Fischer, a young woman who grew up in Thuringia, whom we were able to meet personally.

We support the admirable personal commitment of the employees of Dry Lands Project for the children in Sri Lanka with a project sponsorship and individual donations.

Inform yourself about Dry Lands

Erfolgsfaktor Familie

Our law firm is a member of the business network Erfolgsfaktor Familie.


The network is an initiative of the Federal Minister of Family Affairs and the President of the DIHK. It is the largest nationwide platform for companies interested in and committed to family-conscious corporate management.

Family friendliness has long played a major role at PATENTSCHUTZengel. Among the employees there are many mothers who especially appreciate the flexible working hours. For a better compatibility of work and family, employees can work part-time. There is also the possibility of teleworking, which is regularly used by several employees. The firm has had good experience with its family-conscious personnel policy. So far, all employees have returned to the firm after parental leave.

Information about the network

Suhl Singing Academy

Music is a leisure activity that combines relaxation, cultural education and interpersonal communication. We are especially happy to support people who bring music to many others through the performance of works that have been studied with great diligence.


Suhler Singakademie



The Diversity Campus is concerned with digital games and acoustic virtual reality for the blind and sighted.

We are proud to support such a project. The event took place on 24 and 25 June 2017 at the TU Ilmenau.