Dates + Seminars

Here you will find the current dates on which you can meet us personally. These include lectures, seminars and inventor consultations, which are conducted by the firm's lawyers. We also list events in which we participate.


Initial consultation for inventors 2024

Patent attorneys make an active contribution to promoting technological progress. It has long been a tradition for freelance patent attorneys in numerous cities to provide free initial consultations for inventors.

Such inventor consultations also take place in the rooms of PATON (Thuringia State Patent Center at the Technical University of Ilmenau).

Patent attorney Engel and patent attorney Dr.-Ing. Rittermann are participating in this service and are happy to provide you with initial orientation in the area of ​​intellectual property rights on the following dates:

January 23, 2024

May 28, 2024

September 17, 2024

An appointment with PATON is necessary (Tel. +49 3677 69 4511; initial inventor consultation)!

Protection of performance results and ideas outside of industrial property rights
Half-day seminar


Attorney Susann Reinhardt will provide information on the topic of "Protection of performance results and ideas outside of industrial property rights".

We will hold the seminar at PATON (Thuringia State Patent Center at Ilmenau University of Technology), where you can also register. The seminar will be held in German.



The seminar will cover:

  • Is there comprehensive protection for ideas?
  • Typical constellations requiring protection: concepts for advertising campaigns, marketing strategies, software programs/(computer) games, brand and slogan designs, new business and product ideas, domain pages
  • Overview of the classic industrial property rights
  • Copyright (UrhG)
    • The work
    • Protection requirements
    • Presentation of typical infringements in selected cases and their legal consequences
  • Law against unfair competition (UWG)
    • Overview of the regulatory content of competition law
    • The supplementary protection of performance under competition law
  • Protection of business and trade secrets
  • Violation of competition law and its legal consequences
  • Defense of the rights to a “protected idea”
  • Warning, interim legal protection and legal proceedings taking into account the special features of the UrhG and UWG
  • Measures to secure evidence of ownership of an idea and its evidential value
  • The problem of the missing register
  • Practical measures to protect “Ideas”
  • The confidentiality agreement and other protective measures

Can patents be understood? How do you read patents correctly?
Full-day seminar


Patent protection from the perspective of engineers, developers and patent managers. Within the scope of a seminar, patent attorney Christoph K. Engel will inform about the most important aspects of the patent for the users. Seminar will be held in German.



  • How can information be determined quickly from patents?
  • What has to be considered as prior art?
  • What do novelty and inventive step mean?
  • What is the scope of protection of patents?
  • How can patents be enforced against infringers?

Due to the great interest in this topic, this lecture has been held once a semester for quite some time.

The seminar is held at PATON (State Patent Centre Thuringia at the Technical University Ilmenau), where you can also register for the seminar.

Patent protection for software and business methods
Half-day seminar

In a special seminar we will inform you about the possibilities of patent protection for software. Typical criteria are presented to distinguish patentable from non-patentable software. Furthermore, business methods are classified into this system. The differences in patentability requirements between European and US patents will be clarified.

The seminar will be held at the PATON (State-Patent Center Thuringia at the Technical University of Ilmenau), where you can also apply for a patent. The Seminar will be held in German.