The overriding corporate objective of PATENTSCHUTZengel is the balanced safeguarding of the economic basis for the successful development of the people involved, which includes employees and clients on an equal footing. A successful development of people is characterized, among other things, by positive effects on social coexistence. As the preservation of our livelihoods is one of the natural interests of people, corporate development must also take into account the protection of the environment and the preservation of social peace.

In the following, we list some of our quality goals that serve the implementation of the corporate objective:

Client satisfaction and faultless service

Based on this premise, we see supporting our clients in the implementation of innovative, legitimate ideas as a key quality goal. We therefore strive to fulfill our clients' orders and requirements accurately and to their utmost satisfaction. The selection of mandates is carried out carefully and in accordance with the available capacities so that the company's objective can be achieved. We take into account the individual wishes and requirements of our clients and offer customized solutions.


Employee development

For a positive company development and the associated compliance with the quality objectives, it is essential that the employees can develop professionally and personally and increasingly unfold their abilities. As a quality objective, this employee development is of equal importance to client satisfaction.

Environmental protection and sustainability

Now that we as a law firm have for some time now also set ourselves clear goals in the areas of environmental protection and sustainability, we are all the more pleased to observe the current social developments, which show a broader orientation towards the pressing problems. We want to support this through our actions and continue to act in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving manner within the scope of our possibilities. We are focusing our attention on the following aspects, among others:

  • long-term use of technical equipment;
  • search for possibilities of further utilization of discarded equipment;
  • energy-saving operation of electrical equipment;
  • reduction of fuel consumption (e.g. by working in the home office).

Social Commitment

As a company with diverse international contacts, we are aware of our social responsibility. We are also committed to fair treatment across national borders in our professional environment. Within the scope of our economic possibilities we support local, regional and international aid projects.

We perceive that fundamental negotiation processes have been set in motion in our society that will determine our personal, economic and global way of life. The political and social decisions to be made in the coming months will have a greater impact on our lives and those of future generations than usual. As a company, we encourage our employees to inform themselves about relevant socio-political issues and to actively participate in the necessary discussions. To this end, the company values an open culture of discussion.